marta jarque

I am very passionate about drawing

Drawing connects me to a will to live. Therefore I express joy and emocionts through each line spread out on the paper.

Currently, I'm exploring illustration as a creative playground, seeking unions in the realm of ideas and its iconography that carry me to previously unimagined places.

Hence, your suggestions of new ideas would delight me, enabling me to continue my playful and artistic endeavors.
Shall we collaborate?

Please say
Yo can also meet me in Instagram

More about myself... 

I am very Creative. I studied Fine Arts, Illustration, Animation and Music. I am very curious all the time. 

I love Painting, and Jazz. And I have fun when dancing Lindy Hop, and also with Comedy as well. And I explore Creativity as many ways as possible, for sure!

Thank you for your interest, and hugs from Barcelona!

retratos en directo

¿Quieres darle un toque artístico a tu boda o a tu evento, que con tanto mimo estás organizando?

Te ofrezco la posibilidad de retratar in situ y en directo a tus invitados e invitadas. 

Haz clic aquí para descubrir ejemplos. 

Escríbeme a y, si describes las peculiaridades de tu fiesta te podré proponer un presupuesto.

¡Saludos desde Barcelona!